Wednesday 26 February 2014

Pink Shirt Day

If you don't have kids or work in schools, you may not be aware that today, February 26 is Pink Shirt Day On this day, everyone wears pink to "symbolize that we as a society will not tolerate bullying anywhere."  I don't really need a reason to wear pink, but I am more than happy to wear pink intentionally on this day to show my support for a bullying-free environment and lifestyle.

I like pairing pink with its colour-neighbour oxblood rather than another usual neutral, plus it was the perfect matchy-matchy opportunity to wear this beautiful Anthro scarf, a 25th birthday gift from a great friend with great taste!  Normally I would add a blazer or third element to my ensemble, but today, I just wanted the pink to take the spotlight! 

I was also pretty happy to finally have an outfit befitting these gifted Arnold Churgin boots, thrifted for $6.40!!!!! 
 Excellent condition, comfortable to wear all day, and worth $150 - $200 or more lands these in the VV Boutique Style Hall of Fame!

It was wonderful to see children and staff all decked out in pink today!  This is my second-year of enthusiastic participation, and I've already noted in my calendar to shop for something pink for me and my kids for next year's Pink Shirt Day!   


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOVE this outfit! The pink looks great on you and with the oxblood. It's got me wishing I looked good in pink.

    1. Thanks Joelle! Sometimes I think, who cares whether the colour is the best if the piece makes your heart sing?!! Totally Molly Ringwald!! Hope you're feeling better, my friend! Please be in touch if you need some VV therapy or anything else! Prayers!

    2. Still sick, but slowly getting better. Thanks for the prayers! :D

  3. I LOVE your boots!!!!

    1. Thanks Megan! I cannot believe the score - and found BCBG booties at the same time for the same price!!!! Sigh, i heart thrifting. So sad not to make the 50% winter sale this week. Boo


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