Friday, 13 September 2013

Little Black (Thrifted) Dress

Long long ago, I scored a little black Liz Claiborne dress new with tags from VV Boutique.  It has been hanging there waiting and waiting for a turn to go out, and Wednesday night presented the perfect opportunity.  I was heading to Feastival and needed a good-eating dress and knew this LBD would be perfect!
 $11 Liz Claiborne LBD VV Boutique

I liked the retro vibe of this dress.  I don't wear all black very often, so it was kinda fun to have a blank slate for accessories and shoes.  I didn't want anything too dangly to interfere with my feasting, but I still wanted some adornment.  Which makes me sound like a Christmas tree or princess.  You decide which.
I went with pink patent wedges, $8 VV Boutique, and

The pockets were perfect for carrying my meal tickets and my phone so I could tweet.  Along with the other 5 tweeters present.
 I'm pretty sure my soup tweet (above) won some cleverness award and they're just waiting to notify me.

It was an awesome night, despite the flour-less chocolate cake which should be banned from all future Feastivals.  (Moms of kids with gluten allergies make a mean flour-less cake, but they weren't baking that night, apparently.)

The next day, I was exhausted inspired to wear the same the dress again styled for daytime wear.
It had *nothing* to do with me not hanging up my clothes at the end of the night...

This time I belted it with my awesome Flatter:Me belt and added what I decided looked like day accessories.  I have no idea why.  I would wear these at night too.  So maybe just ignore me.
 Pendant necklace and earrings from She Does Create,
Bracelet and leaf from my closet.

What really distinguishes day from night for me is the opportunity for 4-arm photographs...
"3yo photographer blur" should be the next Instagram filter.

The dress is quite versatile.  It was comfortable for work in preschool, easy to style and ELEVEN BUCKS.  You know what that means: Go. Thrifting. Today.


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