Thursday 1 January 2015

In With The New

Well hello 2015, nice to meet you! 

Yesterday I took a good look back at 2014 and had some fun remembering all the highlights.  Today, I spent the majority of the day in my pajamas, watching movies, chillaxin with my family and having long indulgent thinks about the coming year.
Proof I eventually got dressed... in pants.
Jeans $2.80, plaid shirt $6 and even my socks $1, all VV Boutique

Resolutions get such a bad rap but I don't care, I like 'em.  I'm a goal-oriented person - that's why I started this blog to begin with - and it's in my nature to break things down into achievable steps (we OTs like to call that task analysis).  I find fresh starts rejuvenating and inspiring!  So naturally, this is my favourite time of year!  In 2013, I made a matrix of 13 goals with 13 parts each...  No, I didn't achieve half of my list but I sure had fun making the matrix!  Last year, I simplified my goals and am happy to report that I achieved what I wanted for this little ol' blog.  This year, I have new goals and can hardly wait to get going on them!  One of my goals: increase my audience (readership, followers, likes - however you want to call it!).
A girl can't help but dream!

This has never before been my goal, but I think it's time.  That's where YOU come in!  If you enjoy stopping by VV Boutique Style - the blog, Facebook, Twitter, Intagram or Pinterest - consider sharing.  Pass on a link, recommend it to a friend, or make the bold move to like and comment!  I don't post for likes, but it sure feels nice to get them! 

As for content, here's my second request: tell me what YOU want to see on VVBS!  The last time I asked this question, I wound up posting about bathing suits which was then scrolled on Breakfast TV so I'll say upfront, that's as little as I'm wearing!  I'm no supermodel, and logistics dictate some fashion blogger factors (i.e., I have a small budget, my best photographer is a 4-year-old, etc.) but barring that, I am open to ideas!  In 2015, you can expect more tales of thrifting adventures, thrifted interpretations of stylish looks for the everyday woman, more Monday Style Prompts, invitations to thrifting events and fashion challenges... For example, it IS January and that means Black Out Style is coming!  Wear your black now because Monday January 5th starts four weeks of colour!  Is there anything else you're looking for?  Inquiring minds want to know!  (that's me)

While you're thinking on that, here's a recap of my Dressember looks!  It is not too late to donate to help advocate for the dignity of all women!  Dressember and the International Justice Mission have raised nearly $500 000!  That is something to celebrate!
I will always love dresses more, but I was sure happy to wear pants today!  

While you're commenting on my first two requests, you might as well tell me, which Dressember look was your favourite?!


  1. I love them all, but my favourite is probably the neon + chambray nailed it.

    Cheers to a prosperous 2015 (blog and otherwise)...may your heart be happy and thrifting be fruitful!


  2. Hi Nicole - I just want to say how refreshing it is to read your blog and see what you do with your finds. I've got you in my Bookmark. I've been toying with this idea for a while but have not taken the next step. I'd love to participate in some of your features and challenges but I don't have a blog - any suggestions?

    Happy New Year to you and wishing you and your family health and all good wishes for 2015.

    1. Hi Colonygal! Thanks for reading! It would be awesome to participate in any way that works for you! Do you use Twitter, Intagram, Pinterest or Facebook? Those are all places to connect, and just commenting on the blog here like you did works too! Tag me @vvboutiquestyle on Twitter or Instagram, comment on Facebook or like/repin on Pinterest! If you participate in January's Black Out Style challenge, you can even win a prize! Thanks again!

    2. Thank you, Nicole. I have a Pinterest, an Instagram (not used yet :( need teen son to help .. lol), and facebook, so I will try those so I can participate. Fun! I dress almost entirely in Thrifted items. I have been super lucky with scoring boots, silk dresses and blouses, cashmere and denim, from vintage to still in the stores items. :) This year again I was able to gift NWT items like JCrew cashmere scarf, a sterling bud vase, jewelry, NIB crate & barrel cookie press, Crane initial stationery, "Target Salvage" items in perfect condition, for friends and family at a fraction of what I would have paid at retail. I find I can gift the gifts of taste and style if I make a point of thinking of others and making the most of my "eye" for well-made and interesting items that someone else decided to let-go... I am a truly grateful recipient and since they mostly are found at Charitable Outlets it spreads the bounty all around again. The perfect re-cycle. Now to check out the Black Out Style Challenge. Merci! :)

    3. That's awesome and I concur completely! My second-hand Christmas was wonderful! Thrifters are kindred spirits!

  3. Hi Nicole - I enjoy seeing multiple ways to wear a single piece of clothing especially between work and play. Thanks! Kathleen

    1. Thanks Kathleen! I appreciate your comment and have ideas brewing - stay tuned!! Meanwhile, if you like you can click on the "5 Days 5 Ways" button on the right or put that in the search box to see some past examples of this. It's been a while though and you're right, time to showcase versatility!

    2. on the left!! on the left!! der

  4. Dressember is such a good idea. But, I suppose it would have been cheating if I joined in, because December is summer for me. I love that look with the lime dress and a chambray shirt under it. My favourite!

  5. Thanks Laura! It's not cheating at all to join in despite it being summer for you! (LUCKY!!) There are women all over the globe participating to raise money for Dressember! It is harder than you'd think to NEVER wear pants for a whole month! Join in next year if you'd like to find out!


Comments make my day!