For that reason, I haven't spent much time thrifting household goods though I have found some cool things. As with clothing, I believe you should look to secondhand sources first for home decor and such, and so I went to VV Boutique last week looking for some new dishes. Since I didn't have a traditional wedding (I asked people to bring a batch of cookies instead of a gift - that tells a lot about my priorities), I don't have "china"; I have Corelle and, for when I'm being fancy, Ikea (that I thrifted!). However, I was having a special friend over for dinner and wanted to step up my dinner-party game, so I hauled the kids to VV Boutique and promised them each a book in exchange for some time to browse the housewares.
At first, I missed them, sitting on the bottom shelf all unassuming...
Then I had a second look and realized they were Mikasa...
And then I realized that the pattern was pretty cool and had some of my favourite colours - mustard and green!
Then I asked my sister's opinion and when she started to try to coerce convince me that they would be perfect for a vintage-loving jewelry-designer, I knew the plates had serious home style potential! I loaded up the 30 pieces for $35 (using a 30% off coupon from a filled donations sticker card) and brought them to their new home! Allow me to introduce you...
Dinner plate
Cereal/candy bowl
Cup and saucer
There are two different patterns so I googled them, natch. Big Sis was right! They are vintage, from 1976 - 1979! Not quite as old as I am. The plain pattern Natural Beauty bowls have a replacement value of around $14 and, though I couldn't find specific info for the Bountiful pattern, I imagine they would be approximately the same value or more. That means my 30 pieces for $35 would likely be worth at least $300 or more. 
This is a ballpark because I'm an OT who loves clothes, not an antique appraiser or girl with a dragon tattoo researcher.
This is how you set the table when you've accidentally had two 4-oz gin drinks. Oops.
Maple-smoked pork roast, phyllo pizza, massaged kale salad...
Action shot of Riverbend Gardens CSA veggies!
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