Sunday 27 July 2014

Roadtrip Reading

In the midst of my "no service" vacation earlier in July, I managed to read several books off my shelf including my latest Book Look Blogger selection, How High Will You Climb? by John C. Maxwell.

Why did I choose this book: 

The subtitle of this book again caught my eye: "Determine your success by cultivating the right attitude."  In 2011, "attitude" was my One Little Word for the year.  I chose this word after reading a quote by Charles Swindoll that had a significant impact on me...
After a busy few years of lots of unexpected things being added to my plate, I felt it was time to revisit "attitude" and wanted to read what Maxwell had to say about it.

  • The running analogy throughout the book is airplane "attitude" - whether you're pointing up or down determines how high you'll climb, how much success you'll have.
  • There were many nuggets of wisdom throughout the book.  For example, Maxwell discusses that the difference between an opportunity and an obstacle is your attitude towards it.  Another, "Wrong attitudes in our lives will block the blessings of God and cause us to live below God's potential for our lives."  Avoid close relationships with people with a poor attitude...  Have a positive attitude towards your marriage and relationships in order to have successful relationships...  They are simple points but nonetheless speak truth.
  • I liked the affirmation Maxwell offers about the "storms of life" which, with the right attitude, can strengthen us and lead us to our "second wind", and that we "conquer by continuing."  In fact, I had many underlines throughout the book.
  • Regarding problems, I loved this quote: "What can be changed for the best, we must change.  When that is impossible, we must adjust to the circumstances in a positive way."
  • Maxwell includes in the book prompts and space to work through some attitude exercises.  He encourages readers that we ARE able to change any attitude, that we have a choice to change!  No matter the circumstances (as it says in scripture), we can cultivate a godly attitude, and that whenever we feel we are lacking, we need only ask for help from the One who created us.
  • Despite the almost-commonsense message of this book, it is a worthwhile read for the reminders.  After all, if we were all practiced at having a good godly attitude, we would worry much less and respond to the storms of life in a consistently calm manner.  I know I'm not there yet, though I'm much better than I used to be!  
Bottom line:
Maxwell's book is grounded in scripture and he emphasizes several times that we were all created for great heights!  He offers an antidote to Murphy's law, cleverly called Maxwell's Law
Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right, it will and at the best possible moment.
Doesn't that sound like a great attitude to live with?  I believe it is, and I for one will keep pulling out this book in my effort to do so!

I am a member of  BookLook Bloggers.
In exchange for writing a review, I received this book for free.

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