Chambray, orange pants and shoes all from VV Boutique.
Striped Joe sweater circa 2006
Enormous-looking flipper-feet courtesy of 5yo photography. Or maybe my modeling skills.
I don't work most Fridays, but I had to work a half-day today so I needed to wear something casual-Friday-ish but funky-professional-ish. I thought this look by blogger Sarah Barnett of Think Twice Style fit the bill perfectly...

So I copied shamelessly, assuming that my flattering, honest and grateful intentions would shine through my copycat actions! Of course, the mustard pants and stripes are what caught my attention, and I was inspired to try a button-down under my striped sweater after playing dress-up.
I chose my orange chinos over my yellow pants because... well, because I am wearing striped undies and didn't want them to show through, since I'm being honest. (Visible panty lines are one thing, visible panty patterns are quite another.)
The look had it all - three interesting elements up top, colours, neutrals, layering, comfort! All in all, I was pleased with my successful and stylish copycatting. And I'm going to do it again, since I'm being honest.
yayyy!! this is AWESOME! you look great and I am honored by all your kind words about the fashion and faith board and such!!