
Wednesday 27 November 2013

Plaid Goes to Work

About once a year, I take a sick day.  Pretty impressive considering all the little children I interact with, not to mention my own kids and all their germ-sharing love.  Well, Monday I was down for the count.  I went out in public with no make-up, glasses and sweat pants (and by that I don't mean cute yoga pants, I mean ugly gray sweat pants) because I needed medicine.  Tuesday was only slightly better, health-wise and wardrobe-wise, and today a little better yet.  Now is not the time for tights and skirts; I need comfortable kleenex-holding pockets and clothes that feel like chicken soup.  So today I wore plaid...
 Eddie Bauer plaid top $5 VV Boutique
Smiling between coughing fits...

Plaid is showing up all over Pinterest and I can't wait to style this top in more creative ways.  As for today, my only aim was to get out the door and make it though the work day.  To be on the safe side, I wore it with a scarf...
My son was so impressed with his "scarf action shot" that I had to include it.
 I love the plaid and heart prints together!
Scarf is a hand-me-down from my sis.

In the real world of a real life working mom, everyday isn't a fashion day.  But hey, I accessorized; I coordinated colours; I mixed prints!  All things considered, I'm content. 
Yep, I even went for matchy-matchy shoes and accessories!

This is a crazy busy week and I have an extra special project on the go that I will reveal next week!  As for Take One and Pass It On, well:

Nov 25 - pass on everything except my pillow and Nyquil

Nov 26 - You'll have to take my word that I wore the cobalt and green sweater again.  In almost exactly the same way as the day before, but I neglected to get a photo.  Come to think of it, TOPIO is great for sick days; you just reach for what you wore the day before when you were thinking coherently and dressing with effort.

Nov 27 - what can I say, everything was dirty so I started fresh unless you count the necklace that I've been wearing for several days straight to remind me that I CHOOSE this crazy, wonderful, occasionally-sick, blessed life!


  1. You look great!

    ( I love plaid :) )

  2. Super cute!! Love the mixed prints. The green plaid looks great on you.

  3. Maren says you can never have enough plaid!


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